


Royal Lawns has extensive experience in lawn seeding. We use a variety of equipment and methods to ensure the best results based on your lawns individual characteristics. Our seed is the best adapted and most recently developed variety for our area and certified by the MD Dept of Agriculture to be pure, fresh and weed free. We can do seeding every year to keep your lawn thick and beautiful, or on a as requested basis.

Seeding is an important part of keeping a lawn beautiful. Often the best approach to revive an old thin weed infested lawn is to start fresh by killing the existing grass & weeds and seed with a more recently developed variety of tall fescue.

The Seeding Process…

This process is called a lawn renovation and can include applying a starter fertilizer as well as lime to adjust the pH of the soil. Although the final results may take many months, this is often the fastest method to get a beautiful lawn.

On the other hand, if the current lawn is only thin and weak, an overseeding can be done. With a basic overseeding we don't kill the existing grass but instead seed into what is currently there.

Both seedings are done using mechanical equipment, either by aerating or slice seeding. To determine if a lawn renovation or overseeding is necessary is based on a lawn–by–lawn evaluation. Please call us for more details.

Let our Specialist handle the task of seeding your lawn, call 800-439-6581